The 39 story tree house

Author / Illustrator Andy Griffiths Terry Denton

Characters Andy, Terry, Mr Stupido, Mr big nose, Jill and Bill the post man.

Plot The plot was Mr stupido was un-enventing everything.

Settings At the tree house.

The age group you would recommend the book for I would children the age of 7-10

Your favorite part of the book my favorite part of he book is when Mr stupido uninvents himself.

A star rating I would give this book 7-10 star ratings.


What I leant at Botanical garden

One interesting fact that I learnt that was there are all kinds of plants I never knew live in Australia.

I enjoyed looking at all the fake animals in each habitat.

Definition:Habitat the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.

Definition:Producer a person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale.

Definition:Consumer a person who purchases goods and services for personal use.

Definition:decomposer to decade or rotten.

Lone pin zoo, Australia zoo, Amazon jungle and  SOUTHEAST ASIAN RAINFOREST

4M weekly blog week 6 Term 2

At  7:20 am on Monday, the St Bernard’s girl’s netball team left for Wembley Park. They travelled by bus to take part in a netball competition.  The rest of the class started school and we began our day with reading groups. The whole class activity for Monday was about reading Haiku poems. We began our maths lesson by listening to the 7 & 8 times tables songs from the class Weebly. People did a mixture of activities to practise their tables.

After lunch our class went to HPE and we did basketball with Mattiung. Then we learnt and blogged about how haiku poems are written. After that we made a haiku as a class about sunset. On Tuesday in science we looked at our soil samples using magnifying glasses and a microscope to get a closer look at them. We were observing them to describe them.

In Religion we compared different parables which described the same event. We read “Jesus heals many at Simon’s house” and compared it to “Jesus heals Peter’s mother in law.” We noticed that the main idea in both stories was the same, but they described the healing in different ways. We think that this is because they are written by different authors which have different perspectives.

We read “The Danger Zone: Avoid Being a Convict Sent To Australia” and we learnt that lots of people in England in 1785 were unemployed because new machines were doing all the work in factories. Many people were desperate and had to resort to pickpocketing to survive.

This week we had music with Mrs Clelland and we learned how to play the Alleluia on the recorder, so Mrs Clelland could choose someone to play it in our Liturgy of the Word.  On Thursday morning we had a Liturgy of the Word which was lead by Mrs Child and Charlie was the altar server. Lyndon played the Alleluia on the recorder. Sophia projected the words for everyone to follow in the songs.  On Thursday afternoon we had art with Mrs Andersen and we learned how to do portraits of our friends.

Today we have qualified to take part in the Sumdog Metropolitan Maths Contest. Melanie was number one when we finished this morning.


That’s our week by 4M