thinking about Genius Hour


Some questions to help you reflect on your Genius Hour Project

What did I do today?  I did Genius Hour and i am making a game.

What did I learn? mit Sirach.

Some questions I have answered.

Some things I need to consider or improve trying.

Some things I did well used mit Sirach.

Tools or programs I used mit Sirach.

What is my next step for next week I have to do mit Sirach again.

Fraction Fish Art

WIN_20160719_11_35_52_ProfrfiFraction Fish Art

I chose to different types of fish. the type of fish is a shark 3, Pac man fish, puffer fish, squid.

I chose these creatures because i was inspired by another person doing this.

I chose these colours because i know sharks are black and grey.

My method for dividing the circles are i folded the circles then opened it up then i cutted it were i needed.

My inspiration for this is i have imagined it and how it would look like in my head.


Gospels task 2


Luke’s gospel tells the story of the Good Samaritan. Its biblical reference is:

Luke 10: 29-37

Find the story in a bible from the front of our classroom.

Draw a concept map using that shows the characters in this story. Write the chapter and verse reference to show when each character first appears in the story. Take a screenshot using the snipping tool to share your answers.

Submit your answers as a post.