Joyful Times in Communities

We have looked at a number of challenges that communities such as our own are faced with and shared some ideas about what they do to get them through. Today we are blogging about the happy times that we experience in our communities (school, parish, family & sports) to name a few.

Leave a comment on this post about some times that communities celebrate. I have put some questions below to help you reflect on communal celebrations.

What are occasions/reasons community celebrate?

Why do you think they celebrate ?

Who is invited to the celebration?

How do they celebrate ? Some examples are parties or mass.

Where do they celebrate?

How often do they celebrate this occasion?

What Can We do When the Going Gets Tough?

In Religion we have been talking about communities, in particular we have been discussing our school community. We have talked about the changes that have taken place since starting in prep and how these changes affect the community. We have also discussed the challenges our community has faced and what affect it has on our community.


Your question today is:

“What are some things that our school community, as a Christian community, can do when times get tough at school?”

Weekly blog post

This week on Monday we did sports athletics on Tuesday we did Hymns on Wednesday Library, Music, Assembly in assembly we did a poster competition and it was also World Ocean Day. On Thursday we did arrays and square numbers. On Friday we finished our square numbers post and we had art.

The Grand Canyon

anyonWe have been learning about weathering and erosion this Term in Science. We have been learning about how erosion has helped formed the Grand Canyon. We learnt that the Grand Canyon formed over a very long period of time. The fact that I found most interesting was that there was a large lake which overflowed which started the formation of the canyon.

Our Week 8

This week in 4M we have started learning our division facts. We have learnt that the division facts are the turn around of the times tables. We watched a YouTube video which explained division and showed us some examples. On Monday we had HPE with Mrs McAfee and we played basketball at Clairvaux. It was our last lesson with Mathiung. At assembly the Sumdog Metropolitan maths competition awards were handed out. Four people from our class finished in the top 10. Our class won! We have been learning about weathering and erosion in science. Weathering breaks rocks and soils down while erosion takes soil or rock away. Today we have art and ICT.  Tomorrow we are going on an excursion to Ngutana Lui for history.

Happy learning !


Understanding Division

This term we are learning our division facts.  We have completed various activities to help us learn our division facts such as: Sumdog Maths, flash cards, card games , around the world and Gazinta. We began our Term by learning our multiplication facts. Explain what you know or understand about division. Pretend that I know nothing about division and you are teaching me.


Week 6 Term 2

Year 4M Weekly Blog             13/5/16

Every day this week, we started with our class prayer. This is when we ask God to bless our day. On most days, we have reading rotations. The purpose is to improve our reading and comprehension. At the end, one group shares their learning. Another daily activity is Sumdog, where we play games that help us understand Maths. We are currently learning multiplication so we sing along to the times tables. During this week, we worked on Religion tasks using real bibles and Bible Gateway online. For English, we are reading and writing poetry, particularly cinquains. This is a 5 line poem that is shaped in a diamond. One of the interesting subjects we learnt this week was Geology. We found out that ancient landforms change. We are working on a project to examine soil samples and predict their changes.

Each day and week our timetable is different. On Monday we have Phys Ed. This week we played basketball. On Tuesdays, some students have Band lessons and everyone goes to Hymn practice in the afternoon. On Wednesday, we have Assembly. This week we went to the Library to borrow books. On Thursday we had a Music lesson and an Art lesson. Today, Friday was Crazy Hair Day. It was a bring day for the School Spring Fair. Usually, on Fridays, we check on our homework. Today we looked back on our week and began a weekly class blog that you are reading right now.